A School’s Guide to Teaching Winston Churchill

I wrote this inspired from the life of Winston Churchill and his isms, this poem also comes from the ‘War’s Whores’ by Hollie McNish (which discusses sex workers in France during WW1).

Tré Ventour-Griffiths
7 min readAug 29, 2020

Many of us grew up learning how Churchill saw

this country Britain, leading it to victory

against Hitler and fascism during the Second World War

but outside of his wartime “heroism”

you see his contempt for the common man

finding his love for violence in 1890s Afghanistan

saying “all who resist will be killed without quarter

where Pashtuns must “recognise the superiority of race

as colonial forces committed villages to the slaughter

where he jested about the settlements, he aided to devastate

he was proud of the terror he helped inflict

and he was only too jovial and happy to be part of it

here, he was a young man, a mere twenty-three

but this is not taught on curricula of British school history

Next: it’s safe to say he was concerned the tropical island of Cuba would become another Black republic

and by another he meant after the island of Haiti abolished

slavery, fighting for their independence against the French

in addition to defeating the navies Britain, France and Spain sent

to recapture and recolonise the island back into punishment collars

making more pounds and dollars for politicians and learned scholars

Screengrab from the UCL Legacies for British Slave-ownership in regards to slave compensation, the lists are endless and truly shows how entrenched the economics are in the system

in popular memory of Winston, there’s no talk of the colonial

Afua Hirsch takes on Piers Morgan, showing that Churchill isn’t infallible

but Good Morning Britain acts like challenging Blighty should be banned

in denial of the three dimensions of the five-pound man

no room in the public domain for debate or challenge

but for murder, torture and violence, this man had a talent

he was busy before the war, with an aptitude for devastation

for the lives of men, women and children, just pure derogation –

in 1944, Churchill greenlit a massacre

The bodies of unarmed protestors shot by the police and the British army in Athens on 3 December 1944. Photograph: Dmitri Kessel/Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images

on the streets of Athens, 28 protesters

were shot dead, a further 128 hurt

they were anti-Nazis…these are stories that need to be heard

on December the third, 200,000 took to the streets

this is when Winston Churchill

ordered the British Army to turn their guns on the Greeks,

he called the Greek People’s Liberation Army

and the National Liberation Front, “miserable banditti”

but these were the same people that ran the Nazis out

his actions stemmed from a communist hate, and confident clout

shouldn’t these hidden histories be taught in modern Britain

but you will not find these stories on your school history curriculum

Photo by Marcos Pena Jr on Unsplash

things that we claim

were for the Indians, were for British service

like the railway that now India has repurposed

when the British arrived, India was one of

the richest on the planet and its share

of the world economy was 23%

when they left it had sunk lower than four

well that’s according to Indian MP Shashi Tharoor

knowing Britain’s track record I’m inclined to trust him

colonial violence may as well be penned by Brothers’ Grimm

seldom do we talk about India’s role in the First World War

1.5m Indians in WW1 and 2.5m in WW2

Indians fought during both wars but I didn’t learn this [from Sikhnet.com]

yet Churchill hated Indians –

and for many these are quite new stories narrating like how

the British authorities took Indian rice in fleets

when Bengalis had nothing to eat

Churchill said the famine was their fault for “breeding like rabbits”

refusing all aid to stop the famine

both from allies in Canada and the USA and he was swilling champagne

upto 4m bodies stockpiled outside the pearly gates

and when in partition, the British made Pakistan

more Indians died by the million

and it doesn’t stop there,

“A prize from fairy land beyond our wildest dreams”

in June 1914, Churchill proposed a bill

that would see Britain profit off Iranian oil spills

when Iran’s nationalist government

threatened Britain’s interest,

Churchill was there before you could say yes

initiating a coup with the CIA in 1953

but in the “official history” we’re leaders in liberty

why isn’t this taught as part of our history

Photo by Kristina G. on Unsplash

in Mesopotamia,

he supported use of poisonous gas

this is what’s now modern-day Iraq

determined for colonialism on the cheap

he champion aviation, not soldiers on the streets

several times, Churchill

quelled rebellion in the 1920s

through bombing civilians

Iraqi death and blood aplenty

British statesman Winston Churchill attends the Anglo-Irish Conference in Downing Street on 11 October 1921 (Source: via the Independent)

on Ireland, he said

“we have always found the Irish a bit odd.

They refuse to be English.”

The Black and Tans were his brainchild

what today we would call terrorists

attacking civilians and civilian property

to repress a people, he described as “odd”

for their refusal “to be English”

didn’t quench his blood-lust

puffing smoke into Ireland until he bit the dust

from air power against Sinn Fein

to advocating for partition

and conceiving the idea of forming

the Auxiliaries who

carried out the Croke Park Massacre

to him, it was just banter

and to think most people believe

concentration camps a German invention

no no no, English conception

in 1952, Britain declared a state of emergency

to protect its system of institutional racism in Kenya

where he thought fertile lands

were no fit for Kenyan hands

removing the local population —

that he called “Blackmores” — into concentration camps

schools were shut — “training grounds for rebellion” he called them

to capture the local people, tactics

like rape ensued, castration, barbaric electric shock practice

The Mau Mau Uprisings beginning in 1952, ending in 1960

people’s grandparents are old enough to remember this history

Mau Mau detainees ( Photo Credit: Getty Images / Getty )

he was also in South Africa (from 1899)

during the Boer War as

Churchill summed up his time as

“it was great fun galloping about”

try telling that to the cries and shouts

of children in British concentration camps (again)

and his only “irritation” was

“Kaffirs shouldn’t be allowed to fire on white men”

he went onto advocate for Afrikaan self-rule

whilst Blacks would be stripped of their voting tools

what passing bells for those who die as cattle

only the monstrous anger of the guns

Lord Kitchener is probably most famous for being on WW1 propaganda posters

yet this concept of empire is one relegated to “over there”

but these stories don’t sit in our throats, narratives of

colonial violence happened at home and abroad

and my own ancestors colonised at the end of a sword

we are taught how Churchill lead us through the war years

but not the stories behind Indian and Pakistani tears

we are told how he led the charge with Dunkirk

but not how Britain drained India and worse

we are told about his achievements during wartime

but not what he thought of the Arab peoples of Palestine

empire made careers for men like Winse

and Kitchener and Mountbatten in the tint

of the world wars as a battle ground

because fighting for freedom sounds more profound

than defeating Hitler to cling onto stolen regions

to hang on to African ivory and monsoon season

empire was a flag like a makeshift stretcher

of black-brown bodies bent like double beggars

Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas Mountbatten (Dickie) 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma, was a British Royal Navy officer and statesman, an uncle of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, and second cousin once removed of Queen Elizabeth II (b. June 1900, d. August 1979)

when we try to challenge Winston in popular memory

I am met with tired yawns and war fatigue

of Piers Morgans not wanting to confront our history

we teach our children that slavery was wrong

but then sing Winston Churchill’s song

statues to him in Toronto and Parliament Square

we tell a story that colonialism was a foreign affair

but it is the union jack, the world wars

and English England’s heroes stitched in guilt

making films, Darkest Hour made for laughs

as the Mau Mau, Boer and Bengal stands like cenotaphs

Gary Oldman and that golden statue like a bus stop

as Indians split by partition in the sun were left to rot

we make these films like back-pats and flattery

colonial genocide whitewashed by Hollywood munitions factories

Gary Oldman won Best Actor at the 2018 Academy Awards (Focus Features)

now Africans and Asians were lost in the wind of litany

during the world wars and then erased from British history

I wonder considering Black Lives Matter

if this new anti-racist UK

will hold more dead heroes to account today

not just the low-hanging fruits of the slave trade

but big fish like Sir Winston

whose crimes are all so well-evidenced

like an elephant in the room

as our prime minister sings Winston’s tune

how many innocents had to die

so Winston could sing his lullaby

cradled in the womb of union jack

death to Afghans, Indians and Blacks

and Irish civilians and the working-class

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

in the footnotes of history, into the past

gone gaunt in Britain’s denial and fragility

a refusal to learn about this country’s history

the Tories will never put Churchill in the dock

not like how Edward Colston was on the block

and on the national school curriculum you’re unlikely

to learn these facts about old Winse

but our children ought to, don’t you think?



Tré Ventour-Griffiths

Award-Winning Educator | Creative | Public Historian-Sociologist | Speaks: Race, Neurodiversity, Film + TV, Black British History + more | #Autistic #Dyspraxic