Talking About Whiteness: A Bibliography

I promised a colleague I would put this together so here it is. Whilst Whiteness Studies is multidisciplinary, I have given vague subheadings to help direct people to themes they are interested in … all these texts may well fit under multiple headings.

Tré Ventour-Griffiths
7 min readJul 29, 2021
bell hooks, 1988. (Photo Credit: Montikamoss / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 4.0)

“[White people] have a deep emotional investment in the myth of “sameness,” even as their actions reflect the primacy of whiteness as a sign informing who they are and how they think. Many … are shocked that black people think critically about whiteness because racist thinking perpetuates the fantasy that the Other who is subjugated, who is subhuman, lacks the ability to comprehend, to understand, to see the working of the powerful” — bell hooks (Black Looks, p167–168).

Saviours, Ignorance, Defense, Habits, and Privilege

Ahmed, Sara (2004) Declarations of Whiteness: The Non-Performity of Anti-Racism. Legal Studies in Gender and Sexuality. Paper presented at the CentreLGS Colloquium, University of Kent, 25 September, Canterbury, UK

Ahmed, Sara (2007) A phenomenology of whiteness. Feminist Theory, 8(2), pp 149–168. Available [online]

Aronson, Brittany (2017) The White Savior Industrial Complex: A Cultural Studies Analysis of a Teacher Educator, Savior Film, and Future Teachers, Journal of Critical Thought and Praxis, 6(3), pp. 36–54. Available [online].

Badenhorst, Pauli (2021) Predatory White Anti-Racism, Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society,

Bhopal, Kalwant. (2018) White Privilege: The Myth of a Post-Racial Society. Bristol: Policy Press. MI: University of Minnesota Press.

Eddo-Lodge, Reni (2017) Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race. London, Bloomsbury, 2017.

Gunaratnam, Yasmin (2003) Researching ‘Race’ and Ethnicity: Methods, Knowledge and Power. London, Sage Publications.

Heron, Barbara (2007) Desire for Development: Whiteness, Gender, and the Helping Imperative. Ontario :Wilfrid Laurier University Press.

Ignantiev, Noel and Allen, Theodore (1967) White Blindspot The Original Essays on Combating White Supremacy and White-Skin Privilege. In: Davidson, C. (ed) Revolutionary Youth & the New Working Class. Pittsburgh: Changemaker Publications, pp. 148–181.

McIntosh, Peggy (1988). White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack. The National Seed Project [online].

Mills, Charles (2007) White Ignorance. In: Sullivan, Shannon and Tuana, Nancy (eds). Race and Epistemologies of Ignorance. NYC: State University

Ventour, Tré (2020) Privilege Beyond Whiteness ... Medium [online].

“When white women cry, Black men get hurt” — On ‘White Fragility” by Robin DiAngelo. Thoughts from the Criminology Team [online]

Wise, Tim (2007) White Like Me: Reflections on Race from a Privileged Son. New York: Soft Skull Press.


Allen, Theodore (1997) The Invention of the White Race V2: The Origins of Racial Oppression in Anglo-America. London: Verso Books.

Garner, Steve (2006) The Uses of Whiteness: What Sociologists Working on Europe Can Draw from US Research on Whiteness. Sociology, 40(2), pp 257–275.

Harris, Cheryl (1993) Whiteness as Property. Harvard Law Review,

Painter, Nell Irvin (2010) The History of White People. New York: Norton.

Ventour, Tré (2021) LONG READ: The Alternative History of the Windrush Scandal, Medium [online].


Cabera Léon, Nolan (2014) Exposing whiteness in higher education: white male college students minimizing racism, claiming victimization, and recreating white supremacy. Race Ethnicity and Education, 17(1), pp. 30–55.

Gillborn, David (2005) Education policy as an act of white supremacy: whiteness, critical race theory and education reform. Journal of Education Policy, 20(4), pp. 485–505.

Hunter, Shona and colleagues (2010) Introduction: Reproducing and Resisting Whiteness in Organizations, Policies, and Places. Social Politics, 17(4), pp. 407–422.

Hunter, Shona (2015) Power, Politics and the Emotions: Impossible Governance? Abingdon: Routledge.

Matias E., Cheryl and colleagues (2014) “What is Critical Whiteness Doing in OUR Nice Field like Critical Race Theory?” Applying CRT and CWS to Understand the White Imaginations of White Teacher Candidates. Equity & Excellence in Education, 47(3), pp 289–304.

Mirza, Heidi Safia (2018) “Black Bodies ‘Out of Place’ in Academic Spaces: Gender, Race, Faith and Culture in Post-race Times.Dismantling Race in Higher Education: Race, Whiteness, and Decolonising the Academy, eds. Jason Arday and Heidi Safia Mirza, Palgrave Macmillan pp. 175–194.

Picower, Bree (2009) The unexamined Whiteness of teaching: how White teachers maintain and enact dominant racial ideologies. Race Ethnicity and Education, 12(2), pp. 197–215.

White Spaces. Institutional Witnesses. White Spaces.


Frankenberg, Ruth (1993) White Women, Race Matters: The Social Construction of Whiteness. MI: University of Minnesota Press.

— (1997) Displacing Whiteness: Essays in Social and Cultural Criticism. Durham: Duke University Press.

Lee, Wen Shu (1999) On Whiteness Veils Three Uglinesses: From Border-Crossing to a Womanist Interrogation of Gendered Colorism. In: Nakayama, Thomas K., and Martin, Juditch N. (eds). Whiteness: The Communication of Social Identity. New York :Sage Inc.

Lewis, Gail (2000) Race, Gender, Social Welfare: Encounters in a Postcolonial Society. Oxford: Polity Press.

Moreton-Robinson, Aileen (2000) Talkin’ Up To The White Woman. Queensland: UQP.

Phipps, Alison (2021) White tears, white rage: Victimhood and (as) violence in mainstream feminism. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 24(1), pp. 81–93.

Ware, Vron (1992) Beyond the Pale: White Women, Racism, and History. London, Verso Books.

Wilkerson, Isabel (2020). Caste. London: Allen Lane.

White Nations

Goodfellow, Maya (2020) Hostile Environment: How Immigrants Became Scapegoats. London: Verso Books.

Gray, Breda (2002) The Irish Diaspora: Globalised Belonging(s). Irish Journal of Sociology, 11(2), pp. 123–144.

Hage, Ghassan (1998) White Nation: Fantasies of White Supremacy in a Multicultural Society. London: Pluto Press.

Ignatiev, Noel (1995) How the Irish Became White. New York: Routledge.

King-O’Rian, Rebecca Chiyoko (2019) How the Irish became more than white: mixed-race Irishness in historical and contemporary contexts. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 47(4), pp 821–837.

White Supremacy

Coulthard, Glen Sean (2014) Red Skin, White Masks: Rejecting the Colonial Politics of Recognition. MI: University of Minnesota Press.

DuBois, W. E. B (1920) ‘The Souls of White Folk’. In: Darkwater: Voices from Within the Veil. New York: Dover Thrift

eds. Delgado, Richard and Stefancic, Jean (2010) Critical White Studies: Looking Behind the Mirror. PA: Temple University Press.

Fanon, Frantz (1963) Black Skin, White Masks. London: Pluto Press.

Gibbons, Andrea (2018) The Five Refusals of White Supremacy. The American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 77(3–4), pp 729–755.

hooks, bell (1992) ‘Representations of Whiteness’. in: hooks, bell. Black Looks: Race and Representation. New York: Routledge.

INCITE! (2006) Color of Violence: the INCITE! anthology. Durham: Duke.

Jones-Rogers, Stephanie E (2019) They Were Her Property: White Women as Slave Owners in the American South. New Haven: Yale University Press.

Martinot, Steve. (2010). The Machinery of Whiteness: Studies in the Structure of Racialization. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.

Mills, Charles (2004) Racial Exploitation and the Wages of Whiteness. In: Yancy, George (ed). What White Looks Like: African American Philosophers on the Whiteness Question. London: Routledge.

Moreton-Robinson, Aileen (2015) The White Possessive: Property, Power, and Indigenous Sovereignty. MI: University of Minnesota Press.

Thompson-Miller, Ruth and Leslie H. Picca (2017) “There Were Rapes!” Sexual Assaults of African American Women and Children in Jim Crow.” Violence Against Women, 23(8), pp. 934–950.

Ventour, Tré (2021) “The Chauvin verdict may not be the victory we think it is. Thoughts from the Criminology Team [online]

Yancy, George (2017) Black Bodies, White Gazes: The Continuing Significance of Race in America. Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield.

In Media

Dyer, Richard (1997) White: Essays on Race and Culture. London: Routledge.

Jezebel (2015) “Free, White and 21: The Buried Catchphrase of Classic Hollywood.YouTube [online].

Lentin, Alana (2020) Why Race Still Matters. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Lewis, Gail (2007) Racializing Culture is Ordinary. Cultural Studies, 21(6), pp 866–886

Morrison, Toni (1992) Playing in the Dark: Whiteness and the Literary Imagination. New York: Vintage.

Pindell, Howardena (1992) “Free, white and 21.” Autobiography, 6(19), pp. 31–40.

Seshadri-Crooks, Kalpana (2000) Desiring Whiteness. London: Routledge.

Ventour, Tre (2021) The Talk of the Ton: Free, White and 21. Critical Studies of Television [online]

(Un)conscious Bias

Charlesworth, Tessa E.S. and Banaji, Mahzarin R (2019) Research: How Americans’ Biases Are Changing (or Not) Over Time, Harvard Business Review

Greenwald, Anthony G. and Hamilton Krieger, Linda (2006) Implicit Bias: Scientific Foundations. California Law Review, 94(4), pp. 945–967.

Kang, Sonia K., DeCelles, Katherine A., et al (2016) Whitened Résumés: Race and Self-Presentation in the Labor Market. Administrative Science Quarterly, 61(3), pp. 469–502.

Ross, Howard G (2014) Everyday Bias: Identifying and Navigating Unconscious Judgments in Our Daily Lives. Maryland: Rowan and Littfield.

My Poetry and Other Scribblings (Medium)

Ventour, Tre (2020) Mixed-Race Identity Has Plurality: On Being Irish, Jamaican, and Black.

— ‘A Ballad for Edward Colston

‘Whiteness Walks Into a Bar (After Franny Choi)’

— ‘Blackademia 101 (BLA1945)

Before Montgomery: The Untaught History of Rosa Parks.

“Mixed-Race” Has Its Own History.

‘A School’s Guide to Teaching Winston Churchill’.

— ‘Dear White People: Stop Asking Ya Black Friends About Black History, They Know No More Than You

Ventour, Tre (2021) ‘Declarations of Whiteness (After Sara Ahmed)’.

(2021) ‘White (After Richard Dyer)’.

Tre Ventour Ed. (2021) ‘Can You Poet: Whiteness Walks Into a Bar’. YouTube.

Social Class

DuBois, WEB (1935) Black Reconstruction in America. New Brunswick: Transaction.

Hunter, Shona (2015) Being Called to ‘By the Rivers of Birminam’: the relational choreography of white looking. Critical Arts: A South-North Journal of Cultural & Media Studies. Vol. 29, pp 43–57.

Lawler, S. (2005) Disgusted Subjects: The Making of Middle-Class Identities. Sociological Review, 53(3), pp. 429–446.

Levine-Rasky, Cynthia (2011) Intersectionality theory applied to whiteness and middle-classness. Social Identities, 17(2), pp 239–253

Nayak, A (2007) Critical Whiteness Studies. Sociology Compass, 1–2, pp. 737–755.

Nicoll, Fiona (2014) Beyond White Virtue: Reflections on the First Decade of Critical Race and Whiteness Studies in the Australian Academy. Critical Race and Whiteness Studies, 10(2), pp 1–18.

Orwell, George (1937/2004) The Road to Wigan Pier. London: Penguin.

Purwar, Nirmal (2004) Space Invaders: Race, Gender and Bodies Out of Place. London, Bloomsbury.

Roediger, David (2007) The Wages of Whiteness: Race and the Making of the American Working-Class. London: Verso Books.

Sullivan, Shannon (2014) Good White People: The Problem with Middle-Class Anti-Racism. New York: Suny.

Philisophical Takes / Self-Help

Dabiri, Emma (2021)What White People Can Do Next: From Allyship to Coalition. London: Penguin.

ed. Roediger, David (1998) Black on White: Black Writers on What It Means to be White. New York: Schocken Books.

Yancy, George (2012) Look, a White! Philisophical Essays on Whiteness. Pennsylvania: Temple University Press.

“There is no more powerful position than that of being “just” human. The claim to power is the claim to speak for the commonality of humanity. Raced people can’t do that — they can only speak for their race. But non-raced people can, for they do not represent the interests of a race” — Richard Dyer (White, p2).



Tré Ventour-Griffiths
Tré Ventour-Griffiths

Written by Tré Ventour-Griffiths

Award-Winning Educator | Creative | Public Historian-Sociologist | Speaks: Race, Neurodiversity, Film + TV, Black British History + more | #Autistic #Dyspraxic

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